Monday, November 2, 2009

Double Team (1997)

Double Team is a movie starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dennis Rodman as a power couple determined to stop a shirtless terrorist from blowing up a baby. This is the ultimate "five star" movie. It has everything you would ever want, plus more.

To start off, Dennis Rodman is in this film. He is an actor. He brings his personality to the film and lights up the screen. Included with Dennis Rodman are his "five star" hair styles and basketball puns, reminding us that he is a man of many talents. Among them are acting and basketball.

Jean-Claude Van Damme is also in this movie. You may remember him from his recent film JCVD. He tackles a difficult role as a husband and father, as well as a trained homosexual. There are many parts in this film that lead one to speculate about Van Damme's supposed "homosexuality," especially a scene where he is having sex with a bathtub.

He and Rodman also have an unmistakable chemistry. A wife is also involved, but she is less important.

The most "five star" part of this movie is the abundance of glass-breaking. This will really blow you away. People go through glass often, almost in every scene. No one is ever cut by the glass, which is understandable since this movie stars Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dennis Rodman, men of steel.

The plot is incomprehensible, just how I like it. There are parts of this film that could be cut out and the story would make just as much sense, if not more. There is an entire sequence about a secret island/gay resort that is literally lifted from the film The Prisoner, another "five star" movie. On this island they monitor terrorist activities from their visors and comment about what they would do differently. This is an important service they provide under threat of underwater lasers.

Miraculously, Van Damme escapes via dangling from an airplane. This is a "five star" scene. He meets up with Rodman who is hanging out with transvestites in Belgium, and they decide to go skydiving.

I should also mention that they go skydiving inside an inflatable basketball. Talk about a "five star" idea. Again we are reminded that Dennis Rodman played for the Chicago Bulls at one point, before he became an accomplished actor.

What else is there? Lots. Lots of great scenes and explosive dialogue. Plus literal explosions, most of which involve Van Damme jumping in front of said explosions. Thankfully they carry him to safety every time.

In one explosion sequence, everyone is saved by a Coca-Cola vending machine. Thank G-d for Coca-Cola!

There are lots of reasons why Double Team (1997) is a "five star" movie. First, there is action. Second, there is high fashion. The soundtrack is a great mix of cinematic orchestra and gay dance anthems feat. Dennis Rodman. Van Damme kicked a tiger and Mickey Rourke, who is also in this film, has his shirt off most of the time (for the ladies).

I would highly recommend this film. I was satisfied near the end when the story was resolved and everyone got what they deserved, especially the one guy from the Island, who watched Dennis Rodman perform an amusing magic trick before driving away.

Bottom line: Great film. "Five Stars"

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